KTsat 타임키퍼

by Novusmay lnc.



Timekeeper - The best time and attendance management solution to realize smart work in the untact era.Start efficient time and attendance management with Timekeeper!main function:▣ 7 types of flexible working system that can be applied to any type of workFlexible management is possible for 7 flexible work systems (staggered commute, selective work system, flexible work system, deemed work system, telecommuting system, shift work system, and autonomous commuting system) that comply with the Labor Standards Act.Even the management of telecommuters that can be used in the untact era! Easy to manage.▣ Above certification from the governmentdental information managementTimekeeper is an app certified by the Korea Communications Commission, and you can manage commute and out-of-office information with a mobile app.(We comply with the Enforcement Decree of the Location Information Act of the Korea Communications Commission and do not collect illegal information.)▣ Simple work processYou can easily apply for work-related matters (extended work, vacation, business trip, outside work) and view work details anytime, anywhere on mobile.▣ Can be used in PC environment as well as mobileIt is possible to manage not only mobile but also PC use, and work reports can be managed in Excel format. (*Supports Windows and Mac OS)Timekeeper efficiently manages working hours through various work systems.Check out the details on the Timekeeper website.TimeKeeper. Work Smart, Better Life.